Build a Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystem to create supply chain agility and resilience.

Enable supply chain partners to detect changes and manage risk with a connected and autonomous supply chain ecosystem.

Gain insight and secure collaboration and integration. Create a holistic view of data and speed up time to value, securing your Supply Chain ecosystem.

Your Supply Chain Digital Transformation ensures you secure collaboration and unlock visibility, empowering you to detect changes and respond faster. This mitigates risk and drives efficiencies and agility. That unlocks a Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystem, creating a competitive advantage.

Digital allows your supply chain to ensure end-to-end data management and secure Supply Chain Transparency. These drive cost saving and enable your supply chain to mitigate risk. The PWC's Connected and autonomous supply chain ecosystems 2025 survey found these to be points of interest to digital champions. The survey found:


Of Digital Champions describe their supply chain focus as external integration or end-to-end orchestration.


of Digital Champions say that supply chain transparency is a high or top priority.


Achieved in saving annually in supply chain costs, with a connected supply chain.

What's blocking your Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystems?

Your Lines of Business, Database and Partner silos block the value of digital across your Supply Chain Ecosystem. The silos have led to disjointed supply chain collaboration. This leads to errors and new silos containing incorrect or outdated information. That adds risk, wastage and cost.

Your Supply Chain Digital Transformation enables you to secure collaboration and data visibility. It enables your supply chain to detect changes and respond faster, mitigating risk, driving efficiencies. That supports business continuity across your supply chain ecosystem. This unlocks the value of a Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystems.

Contact Us to learn how GARNET8 can empower you to accelerate your Supply Chain Digital Transformation.

Businesses in your supply chain understand the value created by the coherent use of data. A Harvard Business Review survey found:


Of Businesses see "The ability to easily access and combine data from a variety of external data sources"


Of Businesses see "The ability to certify data and create and enforce a single version of the truth"


Of Businesses see "The ability to easily and securely share governed data and intelligence internally"


Of Businesses see "The ability to easily, securely share governed data and intelligence with external partners"

These are seen as important for Business Partners, like those in your Supply Chain. A coherent Supply Chain Digital Transformation secures these important needs. The use of trusted data ensures real-time supply chain visibility, reducing errors, wastage, risk and cost.

By harnessing data you supply chain digital transformation can improve service, agility and resilience, reducing errors, wastage, risk and cost. But, to achieve this value your Supply Chain must be able to access and use trusted information. That enables you to secure supply chain continuity. This drives robust, data-driven processes and automation across your supply chains digital transformation.

Align and share data to accelerate your Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystem Transformation.

To accelerate your Supply Chain Ecosytem transformation you must be able to access trusted coherent data. This enables you to reuse and build on existing investments. That empowers you to reduces delivery risk and ongoing cost.

To achieve this your must harness existing silos and secure, fine-grained access to data. That enables you to accelerate your Supply Chain Digital Transformation at a lower risk.

By harnessing access to secure, governed information your supply chain can share real-time trusted data. That allows you to secure and unlock data visibility, enabling you to reuse, collaborate and build on information across Supply Chain Partners. The reuse of data creates a single source of the truth that stretches across your supply chain. This source of the truth enables your Supply Chain to trigger real-time automation and engagement as information changes. That reduces risk, wastage and cost, streamline information operation.


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Harnessing information unlocks secure data collaboration. That empowers your supply chain to add value to information. This imporves the amount and the quality to make decisions on.

The single source of the truth across supply chain members enables you to connect information. This enables information to get found faster, with less disturbance. That removes the need to chase knowledge across supply chain members, reducing the chance of errors creeping in. This allows you to make faster, better decisions.

Aligning, trusted, shared information improves data quality. This unlocks the use of real-time information in the decisions and visualisation process. That allows faster, better decisions to get made on higher quality information. This enables your supply chain to detect changes and make better decisions faster.

The reuse of engaging, trusted information empowers your supply chain to:

  • Detect changes.
  • Respond to changes in real-time.
  • Mitigate risk and disruption.
  • Prepare for unexpected risk.
  • Secure business continuity.
  • Drive efficiencies and agility across supply chain members.
  • Trigger real-time automation.
  • Drive down the risk of errors creeping into your data.

Drive your Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystem Transformation to the next level with G8CC.

G8CC provides a simple, yet powerful solution to secure, share, collaborate on and automate data across your supply chain. It empowers you to reuse and extend existing silos to secure a single, reusable version of the truth. This unlocks agility and resilience, reducing ongoing risk, wastage and cost.

G8CC harnesses existing silos, enabling you to reuse and build on existing database silos. This reduces time to value and ongoing costs, reducing IT backlogs. That drives efficiencies across your Supply Chain Partners, driving a competitive advantage.

G8CC reuse data from existing silos. This data gets governed and shared across Supply Chain Members. The governance trigger real-time automation and engagement. This enables you to unlock the value of real-time information across your supply chain.

G8CC creates a distributed shared data solution. The shared data creates a simple to extend single version of the truth. This truth gets governed, linked-up and accessed when and where it's needed. That enables your supply chain to use data to drive a Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Ecosystems.

G8CC has a low learning curve. It enables Supply Chain members to start small and easily scale. This enables them to create and build on value faster, unlocking continuous data integration. That reduces the risk of delivering a new solution and lowers cost.

G8CC includes connectors for many popular databases used across supply chains. This enables you to easily connect to and reuse data, delivering a faster time to value. That empowers you to quickly develop value, unlocking visibility, enabling you to drive a faster supply chain digital transformation.

G8CC has built in connectors for:

G8CC enables your Supply Chain Digital Transformation to unlock value across:

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to seamless real-time Supply Chain. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Contact GARNET8 today. Start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable, secure real-time supply chain ecosystem.

With G8CC you can:

Deploy anywhere.

Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.

Access Management.

G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.

Save Money.

Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.

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