Data Silos have led to disjointed data sharing and collaboration processes. These processes add data errors and increase the risk of a data breach. That blocks data value and leads to more data silos.
Data silos in the Public Sector and Business are Spreadsheets and Databases.
Restrictive access management has created data silos across Business and the Public Sector. They block agility and create higher delivery and business change costs. This has led to replication and increased compliance risk. That impedes the flow of data, blocking outcomes.
The data silos impede collaboration, decisions and data visibility.
Digital provides a flexibility that empowers you to overcome Unlock Data Silos. It allows you to harness and build on your Data Silos. That entitles you to build on and reuse existing investments. Lower cost, creating agility and resilience.
To harness and Unlock Data Silos you must be able to access data. This means you must be able to control data governance across data silos. Digital provides a flexibility that allows you to harness governance and access management to a known number of collaborators. This flexibility hasn't been exploited in the Public Sector or Business.
Your Data silos are holding your back.
The inflexible technologies within IT are complicated and costly. This creates data silos. That leads to problems within your ongoing digital journey. That creates a recurring wheel of debt.
Your data silos block agility. They've led to longer delivery and change management cycles. That increase costs and see your organisation getting left behind.
Your organisation is reliant on data to make decisions. But, your data silos create an inconsistent picture. This impedes decision-making and your ability to support processes.
Your ability to use data is a valuable commodity.
To harness data value you must be able to add to and extend it. This will allow you to support continuous data integration. This is easily measured and delivers value for your organisation, unlocking data silos.
Don't miss out.
Download your FREE case study.
See how others benefit from:
- Removing duplicated effort.
- Faster time to value.
- Lower ongoing costs.
- Collaboration.
- Higher quality information.
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How your organisation can Unlock Data Silos.
Digital allows you to Unlock Data Silos. The issue is you've replicated the static nature of paper. To overcome this you must be able to control data access to a known number of collaborators. That allows you to reuse and extend data value.
An integrated data-driven technology stacks unlocks data silos. It harnesses the flexibility digital provides. That moves you beyond the static replicative nature of data silos. This creates an integrated, trusted data foundation. That reduces delivery cycles and ongoing costs.
Governance and access management allows you to move from replicating data silos to reusing data. This improves data quality and outcomes. That leads to faster, better decisions.
The foundation of your digital transformation must be data. If your technology stack can't leverage and build on this, your impeded.
The ability to govern and access data across processes, reduces wastage. That supports your processes, allowing you to continuously build on value and unlock data silos.
Your information stack needs to be agile, robust and simple. This allows you to focus your Organisations needs. That empowers you to derive value and unlock data silos.
To achieve this you need to govern unique data objects. This allows you to reuse and extend data value. That provides flexibility. This is because you can connect and embed data. Doing so allows you to apply triggers to data. That harnesses digital value.
The ability to add triggers and reuse data simplifies ongoing change management. That empowers agility, moving you beyond an inflexible technology stack and data silos.
Unlock Data Silos with a flexible technology stack.
G8CC harnesses digital value. It provides a simple, yet extremely powerful solution. G8CC creates a flexible, agile harness for structured data, allowing you to unlock data silos.
G8CC secures fine-grained data access to a known number of collaborators. This allows you to access and share data across silos. That empowers you to harness and unlock data silos, creating new value.
G8CC breaks the recurring wheel of IT debt.
G8CC allows you to govern, collaborate on and reuse concise data objects. This creates a reusable data-drive architecture. That provides your organisation with real-time, continuous data and tech integration.
Unlock Data Silos faster with G8CC.
G8CC is accessible via a web browser. It supports mobile and desktop screens. It’s framework allows you to build and extend systems faster.
G8CC access management system creates simple to extend and embed Apps. You can build Apps easily using G8CC App builder. Within the App builder you create structure. To do this use our simple form builder.
G8CC supports HTML5 and bespoke inputs. The bespoke input allow you to embed and reuse governed data across Apps. The framework manages data, governance and integration.
G8CC includes a secure data sharing layer. This layer allows you to collaborate and govern data. The layer breaks down data silos across traditional borders. That empowers you to reuse and build trust.
G8CC includes built-in connectors for many popular databases used in Business and the Public Sector. These allow you to build on existing investments, reduces time to value and unlocks data silos. G8CC includes database connectors for:
G8CC allows you to start small and easily scale systems. G8CC provides an opportunity to:
- Unlock Supply Chain Collaboration.
- Liberate and secure Supplier Collaboration.
- Support Multi-Enterprise Supply Chain Visibility.
- Deliver B2B Data Integration.
- Create a unified patient record in Healthcare.
- Establish Governance as a Platform.
At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to a shared data solution. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:
- Support data architecture design.
- Provide Database Integration.
- Deliver automated work-flows
- Build views and real-time data streams.
- Train IT and end users.
Contact GARNET8 today and start your journey to a modern, agile, scaleable solution to unlock data silos.
With G8CC you can:
Deploy anywhere.
Deploy our Application Platform on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, private cloud.
Access Management.
G8CC's flexibility allows you to manage your data building trust. That empowers you to add value to your data across traditional borders.
Save Money.
Remove duplicated effort and wastage. Harness and build on the value of digital and data, reducing delivery and ongoing costs.