Build trust and secure Public Sector Data Management.

Secure Public Sector data management to drive efficiencies, enabling the Public Sector to share, link-up, collaborate on and automate data.

Secure information and unlock availability, enabling collaboration, faster, better decisions and automation. Enabling the Public Sector to modernise and make use of their data.

Digital allows the Public Sector to secure data availability. It empowers the Public Sector to secure, share, link-up, collaborate on and automate data. This allows the Public Sector to secure data management, driving efficiencies.


Public Sectors migration to digital hasn't harnessed this value. They've moved information from paper to a digital format. This hasn't unlocked flexibility and governance that digital provides. The Public Sectors migration to digital has created walls that reinforce traditional borders and silos around Public Sector Data Management.

These walls impede departments ability to share data. This leaks knowledge through unstructured collaboration, such as Email. That increase compliance risk and cost.

This has caused employees to chase knowledge within processes. That's because their silos make it harder to share information. This blocks secure data collaboration, leading to more silos and multiple versions of the truth. This impedes decisions and risks outcomes for citizens.

Public Sector data management is restricting their ability to make decisions.

Issue with Public Sector Data Management silos.

The Public Sector data management silos create a recurring wheel of debt. The debt comes from duplicating time and costs. The duplication restricts value within IT and across processes.

Digital allows the Public Sector to reuse, re-purpose and build on data, securing data visibility. But, Public Sector data management silos impede this value. Their silos create multiple versions of the trust, leak knowledge and impede decisions.

That's because IT struggles to reuse and build on investments. This leads to duplicating data and layers of cost. This runs budgets dry, impeding the use of a strategic asset. That blocks sustainability and digital value.

The Public Sector data management silos aren't sustainable.

Unleash Public Sector data management.

To unleash data management value the Public Sector must embrace governance.

Governance sits between data and digital value.

Governance empowers the Public Sector to seamlessly reuse and re-purpose data. That delivers faster time to value, lowering ongoing costs.

Governance allows the Public Sector to collaborate across traditional borders. That breaks down the walls and empowers the Public Sector to collaborate and share data.

Governance shifts resource to front-line services, supporting linked-up processes and tasks.

Governance allows the Public Sector to unleash data flexibility. It empowers the Public Sector to reuse and join information. Joining governed information allows it to be aggregated into a single screen. This removes the need for employees to chase knowledge. That reduces costs, improves decisions and builds trust.

The Public Sector has embraced API's and standards when modernising IT. The API's allow them to access data. But, governance unleashes data value. It brings people and data together around a citizen.

Bringing people and data together empowers Public Sectors front-line. This adds value to data and improves outcomes. That's because processes have access to trusted information. Joined-up information reduces risk and improves services for citizens.

Harness Public Sector Data Management as a strategic asset with G8CC.

G8CC empowers the Public Sector to secure, share, link-up, collaborate on and automate data. This enables the Public Sector to secure data availability. That empowers the Public Sector to use data as a strategic asset, releasing value.

G8CC builds on and reuses existing investments. This reduces time to value and delivery costs, allowing the Public Sector to reuse existing investments. That reduces the risk of delivering a new project, enabling the Public Sector to focus on managing data.

G8CC harnesses a single data object of the truth. This truth gets governed, shared, linked-up, reused, collaborated on and automated across Public Sector agencies. This secures Public Sector Data Management, driving efficiencies.

G8CC ability to secure a single data object of the truth empowers them to link-up data. It provides a single point to link to. This creates a single point of entry, to linked-up information. That allows aggregated data to be viewed in a single screen. This enables front-line staff to access, governed information when and where it's needed. This reduces wastage, risk, time and cost across the Public Sectors front line.

G8CC creates simple reusable views. These views become building blocks for systems and data streams. The views get embedded and extended to create new structures. This reduces time to value, unlocking Public Sector Data Management to create agility and resilience.

G8CC has a low learning curve. This empowers the Public Sector to demonstrate value faster, empowering them to unlock the value of data management.

G8CC creates a Secure Unified Data Management system.

G8CC includes connectors for many popular databases used across agencies. This enables the Public Sector to build on existing value faster, with a lower cost of delivery.

G8CC includes database connectors for:

G8CC secure Public Sector Data Management for:

At GARNET8 Limited we can support your transition to seamless real-time Secure Public Sector Data platform. We help you to overcome rigid integration and disjointed, costly collaboration. Our experience allows us to:

  • Support data architecture design.
  • Provide Database Integration.
  • Deliver automated work-flows
  • Build views and real-time data streams.
  • Train IT and end users.

Modernising Public Sector data management and governance empowers value. Contact us here to discuss how you can modernise data management to unleash data value.