Pockets of data blocks productivity. This leads to the workforce chasing knowledge. That causes decisions to get made on inconsistent data. This leaves Governments and Businesses increasing risk.

Supporting Digital Transformations that empower processes to seamlessly engage, manage and use structured data. (Part Three)

Step three, using data to drive productivity.

Chasing knowledge within your organisation is impeding productivity and increasing risk and wastage.

GARNET8 Collaboration Clouds (G8CC) provides your organisation with the opportunity to automate engagement and collaboration between line of business processes. This opportunity empowers your organisation to make better decisions and mitigate risk faster.

This will empower your organisation to benefit from better knowledge transfer, less wastage and disruptions.

Within this step your organisation can use the visualisation of data to represent the flow of engagement between organisation activities. This enables your organisation to apply the governance and engagement needs within your organisation. Governance within G8CC is based upon group or personal tags depending on access and engagement needs.

G8CC's flexibility means your organisation can consolidate line of business structured data systems. This enables people and things within line of businesses activities to benefit from better and more engaged access to information. This access to information reduces organisation risk and wastage, empowering line of business activities to focus on needs.

Reduce costs by consolidating line of business systems. This allows Government and Business to reuse and build on investments. That supports faster time to value and lower ongoing costs.